Monday, March 31, 2008

Senior pastoring again..and the changes involved

Lots has happened since my last post. I was installed as the senior pastor of the church and stepped into the many responsibilities that entails, not the least of which is teaching Sunday morning services again week in and week out, for the first time in more than 5 years. I LOVE IT!

We will be making some radical changes in the next few months in order to begin fleshing out the vision the Lord has given us. Beginning Sunday, April 12, the English service will move from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and thus, the Karen service will now be held at 11:00 a.m. There will also be a change in the format of the Sunday morning service to make it a little more contemporary and by God's grace, more appealing to a younger group of people.

We'll also be changing the name of the church from West Dunlap Baptist Church to Cross-Connection International Fellowship. The name is really an expression of our vision to have a multi-cultural, multi-generational church and our recognition that true unity from diversity can only come by connecting through the Cross and as a result of the ultimate Connection with our Creator that is available through what Jesus has done on the Cross.

This past Sunday, March 30, I had the opportunity to teach the Sunday morning service at Calvary Chapel North Phoenix. A 20 person Karen choir came with me and blessed the congregation with their unique and God-honoring style of worship. If you'd like to hear the message I did about the Karen based on Eccl. 3:11, you can check it out at: and then click on RECENT SERMONS.

Lots going on. More later.