Thursday, July 29, 2010

Missionary God


Time: 54:26

Culture Matters: Right in Your Own Neighborhood


Time: 48:39

A New Entity

Message taught by Pastor Jeff Jackson at a recent missions conference


time: 45:13

Unreached People Groups

Message taught by Pastor Jeff Jackson at a recent missions conference


time: 45:13

Why So Angry?

Message taught by Pastor Jeff Jackson at a recent missions conference


time: 1:03:39

Two Applications

Message taught by Pastor Jeff Jackson at a recent missions conference


time: 56:01

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A public declaration to a religious hodge-podge

The community garden project is still in motion. We'll be going to the city of Phoenix this week to try and get the permit for grading to begin and then move forward from there. There are a few potential obstacles that could crop up, so please keep this in prayer.

This morning, I had the opportunity to teach at the Bhutanese church that was launched out of our church. They are meeting in a small 2 bedroom apartment. With the outside temperature close to 110 degrees and close to 35 people in the living room, it was definitely a "missions" type environment...which I LOVE!!!

About a month ago, I assisted Pastor Phillip with a water baptism at this same apartment complex. 11 people chose to obey Jesus and took this monumental step. We did it at the main pool and quite a few of the people that lived in the apartments surrounding the pool area came out on their patios to check out what was happening. These onlookers were refugees from around the world, some of them Muslim, some Buddhist, and quite a few were Hindus, (which is what those being baptized were before choosing to follow Jesus.) They looked genuinely intrigued at what was happening. What a joy!

God is on the move.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Why So Angry

This is a recent message I taught at a Calvary Chapel Santa Maria missions conference. How is the Missionary God working in your life?


Time: 1:03:09

Monday, July 12, 2010

Online missions preparation

A few of the Shepherd's Staff guys were here on Friday and Saturday. We're moving towards offering some online missionary training and so we plotted out where we want to go with it. We also filmed some teasers for a few of the courses and then did a round table discussion on various missions topics. You should be able to see some of what we did on the SS website some time soon. The site is:

It's cooking here in Phoenix....again. We've been 112 and 113 for 4 of the last 6 days. This is now the "stupid hot" season. It's brutal.

The surveying of the property is set to start this week. It'll be close, but it does look like we might make it in time for the refugees to plant by September 15. Please keep that in prayer.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Good news from the doctor surgery on my knee is needed! I will be gradually moving away from using the crutches in a few days and I'll also begin Physical Therapy for the knee within a week. God is good.

Things are proceeding with the garden project, but of course, new obstacles arise. We just found out that because of the size of the property we will garden, in order to get our permit from the city we need to have a complete site plan that includes drainage, elevation, and so forth. This increases the cost for the civil engineering that is necessary to produce what the city needs. Even with this extra cost we're still close financially, but I'd appreciate it if you could still keep it in prayer.

I just came from taking a Karen man to the motor vehicle department so that he could take an oral exam as the written driving test. This guy has been here 4 years, speaks very little English, has a wife and 5 boys, (and the youngest boy, age 2,) has Down's Syndrome. I took an upstanding Karen young man who is 17 to be the interpreter. Suffice it to say it was disaster.

Thank God that a very educated Karen woman has translated the Arizona driver's handbook into Karen. This guy will study in his language for the re-test on July 21.

Refugee ministry is never dull.