Good news from the doctor surgery on my knee is needed! I will be gradually moving away from using the crutches in a few days and I'll also begin Physical Therapy for the knee within a week. God is good.
Things are proceeding with the garden project, but of course, new obstacles arise. We just found out that because of the size of the property we will garden, in order to get our permit from the city we need to have a complete site plan that includes drainage, elevation, and so forth. This increases the cost for the civil engineering that is necessary to produce what the city needs. Even with this extra cost we're still close financially, but I'd appreciate it if you could still keep it in prayer.
I just came from taking a Karen man to the motor vehicle department so that he could take an oral exam as the written driving test. This guy has been here 4 years, speaks very little English, has a wife and 5 boys, (and the youngest boy, age 2,) has Down's Syndrome. I took an upstanding Karen young man who is 17 to be the interpreter. Suffice it to say it was disaster.
Thank God that a very educated Karen woman has translated the Arizona driver's handbook into Karen. This guy will study in his language for the re-test on July 21.
Refugee ministry is never dull.