Monday, March 22, 2010

Latest and hopefully last health update....

I'll make this brief. Last Saturday, the 13th, I had similar pain to what I had experienced the week before. The VA in Phoenix put me in the hospital and I spent another 6 days in the hospital, having just been released a few days ago on Friday, March 19.

Suffice it to say that the dead tissue from the kidney is causing major problems with my system and is incredibly painful as it is processed through my body. While in the hospital this time, I had a bunch of more tests, including a renal angiogram, which showed the blood clot, but also showed that I actually have an extra artery to my kidney that most people don't have. What's good about this discovery is that it means I only lost 25 percent of my kidney, not the 50 percenet that it looked like before.

With all of the testing complete, they still don't know what caused the clot, where the clot came from, and whether or not I'm likely to have another one. The doppler on my legs, the echo cardio-gram, and the esophagus ultra sound of my heart didn't show any clots any where.

So, I'm now going to be on Cumaden for a while in order to insure that another clot doesn't form.

This is enough writing on my physical issues. I'll get back to the things I really want to write about it in the next few days.

Thanks to everyone who kept me in prayer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Johnny Rotten and I are praying for you!