Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm back in the saddle again.....

Yes, we're still "in process" with the community garden. Requirements from the city have increased the price substantially, but we're pressing on. We even have two fundraiser in California that will benefit our project. The hair salon my daughter Katie works at, (Ciao Bella in Rancho Bernardo,) will be holding a Cut-A-Thon for us on Oct. 10. And also on that day, Mary, the mother-in-law of my oldest daughter Jody, has set up fundraisers for us in 4 different Shakey's pizza restaurants in Southern California, (she manages the one in Temecula.) Helen and I will be going over for the fundraisers, along with Peter, a 20 year old refugee from Burma who is of the Chin people.

We're also doing a fundraiser with the Phoenix Suns NBA team on Sunday evening, Dec. 5, when they play the Washington Wizards. If things go as they look like they might, we could actually begin the grading within the next few weeks and have the land and the refugees ready to plant by February 1.

Believe it or not, I was interviewed by a New York times reporter that is doing an in-depth story on people from Arizona that help immigrants. The guy interviewed the governor, the mayor, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and a few others, and I was asked to be part of the story from the "faith" community perpsective. It'll be interesting to see if he actually uses anything I spoke to him, and if he does, if it will be used in the context in which I spoke it. The article is due out some time in the next week. When I get the info, I'll post the link here.

Much more going on, but this is enough for now. I'm back in the saddle.


Mike Jones said...

Wow, how did you land the Phoenix Suns!?! Praise God! Will be praying for the NYT article. I remember loving Shakey's pizza as a kid. Good to have you back.

Mike Jones

Dennis Walters said...

Really glad you're back from the edge! And clearly still doing what you do. We are too. Blessings to you and family. Dennis