Wednesday, February 27, 2008

4 out of accurate picture?

I've received approximately 25 phone calls in response to the article that appeared in the paper on Monday. Of those, 4, (approximately 15 percent of the calls,) have been venomous, displaying ethno-centrism at it's self-centered finest. I'm thinking that's probably a fairly accurate picture of the percentage of people that live in the U.S. and who for whatever reason, just can't see any reason why anybody from another country should ever be permitted to come and start a new life in America, (which is what almost everyone of THEIR ancestors did!)

But hey, God is SOVEREIGN, and based on what I know about Him and His love for all people, I can't help but see that those from other countries that end up living in our neighborhoods are surely another one of His methods of gathering some from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation, to Himself. As it becomes more and more challenging for outsiders to get in to many countries to live, work, serve, and tell about Jesus, He has seen fit to bring them right into our local communities. Another incredible display of His glory and goodness. What an awesome God we

I pray the Lord gives His people the ability to see things through a kingdom of God perspective first and foremost, not an American perspective, as important as some think that is.

Let's keep our eyes not only on Him, but on the end-game scenario recorded in Rev. 5:9 and 7:9, which is where all of human history is headed.

1 comment:

Amenlady said...

Hi Jeff.. you rock... I am so proud of you for saying what needs to be said, and weather they get it or not.. It is right. I have been thinking alot lately about how Dr Laura signs off, saying; "Now go do the right thing" Oh that we would do simply that. I am quite sure that the LORD is smiling on you today and He is hearing your prayer for the deaf, dumb and dying world to hear, to speak, to turn around and come to the knowledge of the truth. How will they hear, unless one is sent. I thank God for you, sent one... keep on preaching the good news... LORD please give the increase!