Thursday, September 27, 2007

A breather for an update...

I've been on the run again the past few weeks. I was in Phoenix last week and I'm actually writing this from my hotel room in Farmington, New York. I'm representing Shepherd's Staff at the pastor's conference held here at CC Finger Lakes. I head back to Philly tomorrow afternoon and then back to Vegas on Saturday morning.

God has revealed what He would have us do regarding the incredible need of the Karen refugees now living in Phoenix--we'll be moving to Phoenix a couple of days after Christmas. If you've been seeing the news at all about what's happening in Myanmar, (which is the country of Burma,) you're seeing why the Karen are now refugees in our country. The Karen's homeland is Burma, (Myanmar,) and the same government that you're now seeing deal with protesters is the government that has been trying to exterminate the Karen and other minorities for many years. Please keep the situation there in prayer.

I'll share much more detail later, but for now, please keep us in prayer as we need to step into "missionary status" to take this step. More on that later too. And I will continue sharing my thoughts on life and light once I'm back to a normal schedule next week.


Bryonm said...

watching the news has given me plenty of opportunity to pray...

Amenlady said...

Hi Jeff,
Just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and Helen and for the Karen people both here in Phoenix and abroad. I do believe with all my heart that you are uniquely gifted to serve and equip this group of people. I pray that you will be fruitful in every good work and be filled with His Holy Spirit. May God meet all your needs and more besides. See you soon. Grace to you bro.. jeanne