Thursday, October 25, 2007

Refugee first exposure

On Tuesday of this week, one reality of ministry to refugees forced its way into my life for the first time. I received a call informing me that one of the Karen refugees that attends the church in Phoenix--a young man in his early 20's, had taken his own life earlier that day!

He had been in the U.S. for a year already, had been working, had purchased a vehicle, and yet was struggling learning English and adjusting to life in America. He had been in an accident a few days before, an accident that didn't cause any injuries, but which totalled his car. What pushed him over the edge?

It could have been his inability to communicate with those involved in the accident, the police at the scene and his own insurance company. It also could have been the reality that the pay off from the insurance wasn't sufficient to cover what he owned on the loan of the car and he was now looking at owing a few thousand dollars and having nothing to show for it. Ultimately, only God and the young man really know why he did what he did.

But personally, I know one thing for sure. I need His grace to be able to minister to these people so that the abnormally high suicide rate among Southeast Asian refugees isn't reinforced by the Karen or Chin people.

I'd appreciate your prayer for them individually and as a group, and for Helen and I to be able to love them and help them make the huge adjustment to life in America--an adjustment that seems so challenging to some that they would choose death over trying to make it.


Bryonm said...

i'm praying for your ministry to these folks...

Bob Henry said...

Be encouraged, not by what has taken place , but because God has called you to this place and to these people...He will use you mightily to bring healing to these amazing people... It is not by chance that God has brought each of you to converge at this moment and at this place! Praise God for His heart and His ways! ...know that you are well prayed for and covered by his love.
Bob Henry